You are a healthcare worker / clinician who would like your organisation to run a green team competition.
It’s people like you who are really driving clinical action in sustainability – thank you!
As the green team competition is run organisation wide (with 6 teams selected to take part) engagement of senior leadership is essential to commission and successfully host the competition.
We know you are busy, and so the actions below are designed to make this engagement as easy as possible for you.
1. Find out who to speak to:
Identify the relevant leads in your organisation who could commission the competition. This may include members from the following teams:
Quality improvement, clinical audit, innovation, GIRFT
Estates and/or facilities
2. Send identified staff an introductory email and ask for a meeting using this template.
We at CSH suggest you request to meet with your leads (as in the email template) for a 30-minute discussion.
3. Meet with identified staff
We suggest meeting to explore how the Green Team competition may be supportive of your organisations sustainability priorities, or to overcome ‘pain points’ - challenges within your organisation. Here are some examples of what these priorities may be and how the green team competition aligns with these.
You can facilitate this meeting independently, or contact us to request
a slide deck with speaker notes
a CSH team member join the meeting. Please email us when you have confirmed agreement to meet and available times (allowing 2-3 weeks’ notice if possible).
Further information to support your sustainability journey
What is SusQI: 10-minute video summarising SusQI methodology
Step by Step guide: Open access resources to support planning, implementing and measuring a SusQI project (these resources are often used by green teams in the competition).
Networks: We have over 30 sustainable networks for varied clinical specialties and professional groups – please join the networks to connect with likeminded professionals, ask questions and share ideas.
Resource Library: We host a wealth of information in our resource library which can be filtered by resource type, theme and network – you will find previous green Team case studies here!
Contact us

Hazel Walsh, Clinical Transformation Programme Manager
Please contact Hazel for further information or to schedule a Teams call.