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Quality improvement is a skill best learnt through practice, which is why when teaching SusQI we try to structure the learning around realistic scenarios or project ideas.


It follows therefore that the assessment of QI teaching should also look at how QI methods are applied in practice.


The AoMRC’s ‘Better training for Better outcomes’ says that a curriculum in quality improvement activity should underpin all training stages of a doctor and that quality improvement activity should be integral to appraisals.


Ideally, when SusQI is integrated into existing QI teaching it will become part of the established assessment criteria for QI projects. Whatever the QI methodology used it is helpful  if there has been an attempt to measure all elements of the triple bottom line when assessing the improvement or at least a discussion around the potential measurement of all these elements.  


Download our Assessment criteria for a SusQI project. It may be inappropriate or unnecessary to include every element in assessment of a particular project - if an element has not been included then the reasoning for this should be explained within that section.


The marking criteria are broken down into foundation, intermediate and advanced levels but can easily be adapted to your own context.


The criteria draw heavily on the SQUIRE 2.0 Guidelines, students and assessors are encouraged to access the original guidelines at, particularly if thinking of publishing the work. 







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